We all have those times where we’ve overindulged and where we feel our systems just need a good cleanse. You know what I’m talking about, too much food, too much alcohol – everything feels sluggish and you feel like you just want a good kick up the butt and system reboot.
Firstly, do not, and I repeat DO NOT, let a couple of days or a week turn into a month or year of off the rails eating behaviour! This is a minor blip and can be corrected, once you get back on healthy eating straight and narrow.
Use the one day detox to jumpstart your system and get you back on track.
I’m all about simplicity. No calorie counting, no complicated – you can eat this, this food equals this many syns (whatever that means, but I hear people saying it all the time!). If you’re eating high quality (I mean organic, and the best that you can afford) fresh, whole foods; and reducing processed, sugary foods – then there is absolutely no need to calorie count (in fact, I’m thinking counting calories is a bit 1980’s now!).
1. Green Smoothie or Bone Broth for breakfast and lunch.
2. For supper a protein of your choice and a huge salad or veg or your choice.
3. 2 litres of water.
4. One HIIT session – here’s one of mine here.
5. Drink the Detox Tea throughout the day.
6. No sugar (including Fruit, other than what’s in smoothie), no alcohol and no caffeine.
Ginger is well known for it’s benefits to the digestive system and has been used for years to help relieve nausea. It’s also great for relieving gas and also helping with menstrual cramps.
Lemon also aids digestion and gets everything moving through your system, it also gives your immune system a boost.
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) has powerful healing compounds which include acetic acid, potassium, magnesium, pro-biotics and enzymes.
1. Boil some hot water and put into a thermos flask.
2. Squeeze juice of 1 or 2 lemons (depending upon taste) into the water.
3. Grate the ginger (about 1/2 inch chunk) into the hot water (wash it well if it’s not organic).
4. Depending on how big your themos flask is add 1-2 tablespoons of ACV.
5. You can also add some fresh mint, which also has excellent qualities for the digestive system.
Drink this throughout the day. Take it with you wherever you go!
Use this as a kick-start to eating as healthy and naturally as you can, whenever you feel like you need a boost. There isn’t really such a thing as a ‘Detox’ as that’s your liver’s job, but being able to support your digestive system and help get things moving through your gut is massively important, and doing a day every now and then, like this, just gives your digestive system a chance to catch up.
Enjoy, and as always, report back!
Jill x
Remember the best way to continue with your detox is to join us at classes or why not book a 1-1 so that I can get a proper look at your nutrition and fitness and make a plan from there.
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