FYN: Why this simple thing will massively improve your posture!

'FYN' T-shirts, they make a good talking point.

So, a couple of years ago now, I was watching a 90 year old former professional ballerina being interviewed on TV. She still had the beautiful style and grace of a ballerina, and she was moving as if she was 50 years younger. In fact, she could move better than most 30 year old’s that I see.

Her posture was amazing and she was still dancing and teaching.

The interviewer asked her, what would be the two pieces of advice that she’d give to the younger generation, and I LOVED her answer. She said,

‘No 1, always keep your hips open, and no.2, always walk like you were firing your nipples’.

So I was telling my class this story the next day, and we all tried ‘Firing our Nipples’, and it worked. Instantly, we all stood taller and in the correct posture for us. So the catchphrase kind of stuck – FYN, Fire Your Nipples!

We now have t-shirts with it on, and it’s a good talking point as to what it means, nobody ever expects the answer that they receive.

Why FYN is a super easy thing to do.

Now, I teach posture and alignment to countless people, everyday. There are alot of nuances to it, and what you think of as good posture for one person, may not be good posture for another person, as there are bio-mechanical considerations and structural issues.

But, my clients have found that it was so easy to remember and therefore, be able to do – remember posture is 80% habit, so just thinking about posture can correct it instantly! (I bet you just straightened up a little bit there).

Why everyone should FYN!

Lifting the breastbone not only allows the diaphragm to work and the lungs to be able to do their job properly; but it also reduces the forces pushing down into the abdominal cavity – so that the rest of your organs and digestive system can properly work too.  With modern life constantly pushing our bodies into positions that they shouldn’t really be in for long periods of time, thinking about the forces that we are placing our body’s under becomes even more important.

Whenever, you get the chance, lift up your head away from your screen, pull your shoulder blades back and down, and FYN.  Whilst in that position take some good deep breathes – and you will feel instantly better and your mind will become instantly clearer.

Go on, give it a try.

If you’d like further information on our classes then contact us here.  You can also buy our exclusive ‘FYN’ T-shirts from here.






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