After a FAB Spring Season, I’m now opening the doors to the Summer Season of ‘Wisdom Well’.
Do you feel that your life is slipping you by, and you don’t know who you are anymore?
Maybe your kids have grown up and started leaving home, and you’re left empty?
Do you struggle to find meaning in your life anymore? What even is your purpose?
Can you relate to these?
Maybe the things that once interested you no longer bring you joy, and you struggle to find anything that floats your boat. You feel like a shell of your former self. Empty and bland. Your body is changing shape, and your life is just on a continuous loop of
Sleep (if you can),
Eat (too much of the wrong things),
Work (at a job you used to love but now is feeling monotonous),
Are You Ready for the Magic?
Do you want to bring more magic into your life? Do you want to wake up like a vital human, full of life and energy? Are you ready to shed the layers of all the years of people telling you what you should be and start to become who you REALLY are?
Are you ready to get your body, mind, and soul fired up?
Are you ready to feel good in your body, full of confidence and free to stand in your power?
Do you want to feel empowered and let go of the shame around your body? You are a DIVINE feminine. You were not put on this Earth to hide away, fearful of what others might say.
It’s time to let that genie out of the box.
We are going to go deep into your soul and let her RISE! Out About Summer Season Here |
Are You Ready for the Magic?
Do you want to bring more magic into your life? Do you want to wake up like a vital human, full of life and energy? Are you ready to shed the layers of all the years of people telling you what you should be and start to become who you REALLY are?
Are you ready to get your body, mind, and soul fired up?
Are you ready to feel good in your body, full of confidence and free to stand in your power?
Do you want to feel empowered and let go of the shame around your body? You are a DIVINE feminine. You were not put on this Earth to hide away, fearful of what others might say.
It’s time to let that genie out of the box.
We are going to go deep into your soul and let her rise.
I used to work in a job I hated, heading towards burn-out by the age of forty, in a body I was ashamed of and feeling trapped by circumstances. I remember going on holiday and not wanting to wear a swimsuit because of what others might say…I mean, WTF??
Worrying about what anyone else thought wouldn’t even cross my mind now.
But that’s what we women live with every day – we’re told that it’s fine to be pretty, but don’t be too opinionated. Going out to work is fine, but don’t demand equal pay. Having a full-time job is fine, but don’t leave your kids for too long.
Don’t have grey hair, don’t wear certain clothes if you’re a certain age….blah, blah, blah.
I mean, come on – who makes these rules?!?! Is there someone somewhere with a list? Well, you know where I’d tell them to shove their list, right?
It’s time To Own Your Power!
And, if someone had told me ten or even five years ago that I would be walking around with green dreads, feeling amazing at over 50, living a life that I love, finding the magic, being a full-on witch, and not giving a shi*t what others thought – I would have laughed at them.
I would have said it wasn’t possible to transform as much as I have.
And, you know what?
The scary part was that the ONLY person stopping me was me.
The transformations started to appear once I reconnected to my magical well of wisdom, my divine feminine, and became super reflective about my life. Small habits, tiny changes, 1% increments that, over time, make BIG shifts happen.
You, too, have access to your Wisdom Well, but you’ve been cut off. When we reconnect you to your waters and flow, you will also start to transform in ways that you, too, would never think possible.
Reconnecting To Your Well of Wisdom
I want to help you to reconnect to your power and wisdom, just like I’ve done.
I can show you how to get your body, mind and soul in alignment with your true north, and when you are working from a place of alignment, you start to shed the weight and the layers of responsibility and become the person you’re meant to be.
I want to DEEP with you. So, this program is designed to build and create your expansion.
You can join for a year or a season.
When you join each month, we’ll have a theme for body and spirit.
We have pre-recorded programs that are short and easily fit into your life. When you join, you’ll have instant access to ‘Luna Lifting’ – my fully online weight lifting program that requires 6-10mins a day.
Each month, we’ll have check-ins and accountability on a new and full moon, with rituals surrounding them for you to connect back to nature and your natural cycles.
However long you join, you will be working to shake and awaken your deep power and let her RISE. We’ll be fusing the physical and the mystical to work the body and spirit.
Maybe you’ve read my book ‘The Embodied Core’ and want to go deeper. Deeper and juicier, to the places where other programs don’t usually go.
We’ll be working on creating the best version of you.
A confident, aligned and divinely feminine woman, free from the bullsh*t.
I know you think it’s impossible for you, and you don’t want green dreads (I assure you they’re not a pre-requisite or a required part of the program!). I believe that we all have access to this part of us that is deeply wise, already knows what to do and is just waiting for you to let her out.
You can feel her, am I right?
She’s the one that bristles whenever you’re being ‘mansplained’ to. Or whenever someone tells you that you ‘should’ be doing or looking a certain way. She’s the one who gets angry at injustices. She’s the one who wants you to be your best version. She’s the one who knows what foods to eat, who knows what’s good for your body…but we keep switching her off, putting her back into her box for another day.
Well, it’s time to let HER OUT!
And, once you reconnect to her, she gently seeps into every cell in your body. She’ll start to move you back into alignment and flow, and you’ll begin to feel more alive.
Is This Program Right for You?
I’m talking to you if you feel the absolute pull or push towards this program.
Your whole body is crying out, ‘Yes’!
You’re feeling like there’s more to life and want to reconnect to who you are.
You’re fed up with quick fixes that don’t work in the long term, and you want to go deeper.
You’re ready to embrace life’s weirdness and wonderfulness (the MAGIC!)
You’re curious and open to transformation and how you can get there.
You are ready to embrace your body and all her flaws.
You want to prepare yourself for the next stage of life, ensuring you’re going in as strong in body, mind and spirit as possible.
You want more energy. You want more pleasure and joy. You want more FUN!
What have you got to lose? Apart from the weight of others expectations and feelings of ‘not enoughness’.
Are You Ready to Transform?
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. If you’ve got this far, then ‘Hello’. I’ve been teaching and experimenting on myself for many years. I’ve learned the most effective and efficient ways to train my body, what to eat and how to connect to my Wisdom Well, and now I’m ready to guide and show you.
In this program, we are working quite literally on your Core. From the inside out, creating strong foundations, we will build on them; from the depths come the heights. We’ll be digging in deep so that when we grow, we can hold that growth (how many people do you know lose weight only to put it back on as quickly – they’ve grown from a place of instability).
You’ll become who you’re meant to be from a gentle place of nurturing and love. Not from a place of force or coercion. You’ll gently open up to your power, which will ripple into everything you touch or do. And it’ll be fun!! Im not one who takes life too seriously, we’ll be dancing, breathing and having a laugh along the way.
What’s Included?
Monthly Mindset Themes and Online Program for you to complete whenever you get a chance.
Themes include ‘Realigning Your Compass’, Pelvic Floor/Flow’, ‘Rocket Your Intuition’ and ‘Back to Balance’
- Monthly Workout Programs of Super Quick and Easy Exercise Programs Specially Designed for the Busy Woman for you to do in your own time – programs include – ‘Luna Lifting Program’, ‘Pelvic Flow – Releasing Lower Back and Pelvic Pain’, ‘Easy Weight Lifting for Women’, ‘Back to Balance’.
- Monthly Gathering for Masterclass on Theme, Wisdom Circle and/or Breathwork/YogaNidra
- Twice Monthly Accountability in a Private Facebook Group
- Ask me anything in the Private Facebook Group
- Spotify Playlists to enhance practice and channel energy
- Monthly Ritual Practice and Goddess Energy
- Seasonal Nutrition Plan to follow to get your energy and diet on track Investment
- Access to my Saturday 9:30 am Live Kettlebell Class (Online Only – worth £40 per month)
You can join for a Season (3 Months) or a Year.
Seasonal Price – £165
Yearly Price – £495 (3 Months Free)
Why Now?
‘The World will be saved by the Western Woman’ – Dalai Lama
The time is now – it’s time to step out of the shadows and light up this world!
It’s time to shine; we need strong women, not harrassed hags! We need you to be in your power and hold your own whatever life throws your way.
Strength, Spirit and a bulletproof Mindset!
Are you a ‘Full-Body Yes’?
If you want to go all in, then do so now!!
You’ve been humble long enough. It’s time to start Wilding!
The doors are open until 15th July- when we officially start, and then they will reopen in September for the Autumn Season – and the price will increase.
See you on the other side!
Jill x
When you sign up – you get instant access to the ‘Luna Lifting Program’ (which is my super quick and super easy kettlebell course).
AND, ‘Rocket Your Intuition’ Program – which is a breathwork/spine health program.
The Courtyard, Langley Park, Durham DH79XE
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