All The Newness of September – New 6-Week Beginners Program

Beginners Pilates & Holistic Health Program

Can you feel the seasons starting to change? I can smell the oncoming autumn, the trees are starting to change too. I love the shifting seasons – and tuning into them.

One of the things about September is that ‘return to normality’ time, as the new school term begins, and we get back into our regular habits. It’s also a good time to take stock of your health and wellness.

Perhaps you’ve put a bit of weight on over the summer, or you’re feeling a bit creaky and achy in places you don’t normally feel it. Maybe, you’ve been wanting to join a regular Pilates class but you don’t feel confident enough, or you’re worried about your fitness levels.

Then I have the perfect thing for you, starting in September.

A 6-Week Beginners Pilates and Holistic Health program.

This 6 week course will equip you with everything you need to get yourself on track for building up your core strength, creating healthy habits and pulling yourself out of the spiral of decline into decripty (harsh but true, because that’s where we’re all heading if we don’t do something about it!).

After the 6-Weeks program you will also be able to confidently attend a regular class.

The course is currently on an Earlybird offer until 1st September, and spaces are filling up. I rarely teach these programs so if you want to begin practicing Pilates (and who wouldn’t?!) then I recommend you book up now.

Here’s the link;


All classes are on this week, loving seeing so many of you stay committed to your practice over the summer. And those returning from summer holidays saying that they’ve really missed it – I always say, you don’t know how much good your regular Pilates is doing for you until you stop. Then you realise how ‘non-Pilates’ people must feel! 😀

See you on the mat!

Jill x


Don’t forget to follow me on the socials below, I’m usually on Facebook or Instagram

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