Please feel free to use the free resources below to learn more about how Pilates can help free you from pain, and get you more mobile.
As with any online or video content please use your own common sense. ‘Organic Pilates’ accepts no responsibility for any injuries resulting in participation in online activities.
If in any doubt please check with your GP before you do any form of exercise.
Seven Days of Strength Free Program

If you want to start lifting weights but you’ve got no idea where to start, then sign up for my “Seven Days of Strength’ Program. Each day for 7 days I’ll take you through the basic movements and how to increase or decrease the weight to suit. It will take you from beginner in no time.
Sign up at the link below;
Menopower® ‘A Woman’s Guide to Pelvic Floor Health’
Sign up for my Free Ebook all about pelvic floor health and where to start when you need to heal your pelvic floor.

The Wisdom Well

A whole year of masterclasses, physical programs and rituals.
Get my Free Breathwork EBook

Pilates, hormonal balance & creating great health for women – Menopower!
“Recently Jill was interviewed for ‘Faenix Health Coaching Podcast’ and talked about all things women’s health related. Have a listen to learn about why women’s menstrual health is a 5th vital sign, pre and post natal health, the origins of Pilates and much more…
Frozen Shoulder – Menopower
Midlife women suffer more with frozen shoulder than any other group. Here are some reasons why and ways to combat it.
Pilates Flow with warm-up
This 35-minute video is intended for all levels.
As with any online or video content please use your own common sense. ‘Organic Pilates’ accepts no responsibility for any injuries resulting in participation in online activities. If in doubt please check with your GP before you do any form of exercise.
How to Strength Training When You Don’t Have Any Weights
‘Poleates’ – A Great Way to Mobilise Your Shoulders
This one is a great workout for your shoulders and make you more mobile.
All you need is a broom handle. Great for golfers too.
The Super-Natural Podcast
A podcast related to all things health, fitness and small business. We’ll help you and your small business stay healthy, happy and whole.
With loads of top tips to help you grow along the way.
DJ Sets
I have always loved music and dancing, so it seemed like a natural progression to me to learn how to DJ. I am an eternal raver, music can lift your soul so much. I want to bring the music medicine to my classes, workshops and events. You can listen to all of my releases here.
External links
If you want to read more about the benefits of Pilates or Barre then please have a look at the links below: