Date(s) - 28/04/2022 - 26/05/2022
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Organic Pilates & Holistic Health Studios
Find Your Flow – Gentle Movement, Breath & Meditation
This program is specially designed to be gentle on the joints, combining the movement with breath we create a lovely sensation of embodiment, which is good for the body, mind and soul. These sessions are truly mindful and focus on gentle movements to improve your mobility, balance and core strength. This is a much slower session than a regular Pilates class.
Each session will have a theme, a 30-40 min mobility session and a 20 min meditation.There will also be a 5-10min breathing session, using different breathing techniques to help energise or calm you. I’ll be teaching you how to find your flow and build your confidence to face the world. You’ll also be able to find your fitness again in a safe and friendly environment.
This is an entry level movement program, but those of you who are more advanced will still benefit from the mindfulness, breathing and meditation, as well as the freeing and releasing movements.
All sessions are recorded, so if you cannot make the live sessions then you have 7-Days access to the recording to catch up. Plus you can join this program online via Zoom.
Bookings are closed for this event.