‘Unleash Your Holistic Goddess’ E-book plus Special Bonus Recipe Pack




‘Unleash Your Holistic Goddess’ 

Ebook & Recipe Pack
‘Unleash Your Holistic Goddess’ Ebook & Recipe Pack Bonus

The 10 Step Program to Blitz Your Belly Fat, Harmonise Your Hormones and Regain Your Radiance’ Ebook


Perhaps you’ve been strolling through life not worrying too much about your weight. Yes, you know that you could lose a few extra pounds, but they come off quickly enough if you cut back on a few things and do a bit more exercise. Who wants to give up that daily latte or glass of wine, anyway?

Until that is, you hit your mid 40’s then something begins to happen. Those extra few pounds seem to multiply, every day there’s another one added in the family. Your body fat seems to be redistributing itself, and setting up camp all-around your middle?

Maybe, you’ve always had a problem with your weight; now it seems totally out of control? Your tried and tested methods of weight loss are not working anymore. You seem to be eating fewer calories, yet the spare tyre is not shifting. You’re almost killing yourself in the gym, yet belly fat will not budge.

Well, I have some good news and some bad news….

Does this sound familiar?

If so then you need to get your hands on Jill’s new ebook, which contains a 10-Step Program that will help you to make some positive changes in your health. This book is designed specifically for women who are experiencing shifting body shape and health due to the hormonal rollercoaster that is menopause, but equally important for any woman pre or post menopause.


In this book Jill will explain;

'Unleash Your Holistic Goddess' Ebook
‘Unleash Your Holistic Goddess’ Ebook
  • Mindset – simple things that you can do to shift your thinking around menopause
  • Which hormones you specifically need to keep happy to melt the belly fat
  • How to work out how many calories your body actually needs
  • Why sleep and belly fat are closely connected
  • Why reducing stress is paramount
  • How to find your core, with BONUS videos explaining Neutral Spine, Pelvic Floor, Transverse Abdominus and Jill’s favourite exercises to incorporate Core training, so you can practice at home.

And much more.

Following these simple steps will help to bring your body back into balance and make you feel more like you again. What’s more following these 10 steps will set you up for a healthy future.

You deserve to live in a body that is free from pain, full of vitality and propelling you towards your dreams, making these small changes over a long term will create a whole new you!

SPECIAL BONUS (Worth £25)!

  • The ‘Unleash Your Holistic Goddess’ Nutrition Plan
  • 15 x Healthy Recipes to get you on track
  • 1 x Week Meal Plan
  • 1 x Weekly Shopping List
  • Plus 3 x Cooking Videos of Holistic Goddess Favourite recipes – Green Pancakes, Malaysian Chicken Soup and Simple Chickpea & Tuna Salad

This book, recipe plan and accompanying video offers simple scientifically proven advice for women which will help alleviate hormonal symptoms, reduce belly fat and help you to regain your radiance.

'Holistic Goddess Recipe Pack'
‘Holistic Goddess Recipe Pack’

Get Your Copy Today!

Note: Once you’ve sent through your payment you will receive your books via the confirmation email under ‘Download’, so please make sure that you’ve checked your junk mail. It’s a PDF download so you will need to ensure that you download to a compatible device. You’ll also receive an email with all the links and downloads.


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