Retreats, Retreats and more Events!


What a week it’s been!

Imbolc the belly of the mother, this is the time the seeds are starting to stir in the ground. A time that we see the shoots of what we’ve planted start to take root and grow.

I have two Retreat Offering for you this week;

  1. Breathe Life Into Your Business – 8th March, Calico Barn

This is a half day retreat for women business owners, in my FAVOURITE place – Cresswell. This is coinciding with International Women’s Day.

I’m collaborating with the lovely Tess from ‘Accelerator Coaching’ to provide a morning of reconnecting to your business values and goals. Then we’ll do some Breathwork to align deeply to those values.

We’ll then have a light lunch (included) and an optional walk on the beach.

It’s going to be a great time to re-connect, and step out of your business to give yourself some precious head space.

It’s going to be an amazing morning, and it’s at a very special intro price of £47

For Further Info and To Book Click Here

2. Wild Women Retreat at Slaley Hall – 13-15th Oct 2023

This is my annual retreat up to Slaley Hall. We always have an amazing time, and this year will be no different.

Most of the people from last year have rebooked, so I currently don’t have any spaces available.

But, if you are interested then do message me and I’ll add you to the waiting list.

3. Sound Baths & Events

The guys from ‘The Soul Sound Spirit’ have been running THE most amazing Sound Baths at my studio. They’ve done two now, and they’ve both been unreal.

They’re putting on another on the 15th Feb and a Shamanic Journey to Love. You can check out their events and book here.

4. Dancing with Dragons – ‘Gathering’

Dawn and I will be running another popular ‘Gathering’. We’ll be doing a cacao ceremony, breathwork, movement and having a dance (I get to DJ).

Are you ready to embrace your dragon?

Book Here

5. Breathwork Sessions

This week I’ve got a sleep special breathwork session. The next Breathwork session is planned for 8th March, and will be focusing on reducing anxiety via the breath.

The link to book is here.

Lots going on, we’re also starting our ‘Get Strong’ Challenge this week, which I’m looking forward to. Watch this space for a 4 week nutrition, exercise and healthy habits program, we’ll be starting end of Feb to run us up to Easter.

My ‘Restore Your Core’ ladies are doing fab, and we’re getting great results. I’m being asked to do another program, so I’ll look at that after Easter.

Classes are going fab, we’re working lots on balance and co-ordination. Keep up the motivation, one class a week can make a big difference.

Lots going on! Oh, and I’m also writing a book, which will be out soon 😀

Jill x


New DJ mix is incoming too!

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