I hope that you had a fun filled bank holiday, or maybe just got a chance to chill out? If you’ve over-indulged too much this weekend then don’t worry, I have a full timetable this week which will get you back on track.
Our theme for June is going to be hips – mobility, stability and strength. The health of your hips also indicates the health of your knees, ankles, pelvic floor and lower back – so it’s vitally important that we make sure they’re as healthy as possible. We’ve also got a few folks with hip replacements, so again, once you’ve had the replacement it’s even more important to make sure you look after it.
Boost Your Life Challenge
Breathwork has transformed my life and I just want to spread the word how amazing it is. It’s given me the willpower, strength and fortitude to assess what serves me in my life and what doesn’t – this had led me to being 6 months alcohol free this month!
Of course, I’m also an holistic health coach, so I like to include everything into my programs. You can’t have one healthy body without another – so this is going to be a truly mind, body and spirit program. This program is designed to turbo boost your life – so it’s perfect for if you need a little extra push just before the summer holidays start.
Starting on Monday 27th June, everyday at 6.30am (don’t worry they will be recorded too), we’ll meet live online to have a 30 min Breathwork session. You’ll also receive a recipe and nutrition program to run alongside, and of course I’ll be giving you challenges everyday to improve your overall health and wellness. I’ll also be giving you quick and easy workouts to fit into your day.
Here’s how the program will run;
Day 1 – Breathing into Your Power – we’ll be breathing live into your vision, setting your mantra for the week ahead, visualising what you want to achieve and how you’re going to bring in what you need to do it.
Day 2 – Breathing into Your Best Self – we’ll be breathing into what is no longer serving us, and letting go of a few habits that we no longer need.
Day 3 – Breathing into Your Wise Self – we’ll be exploring how we can connect more with the breath to our wise self. To do this we need to switch off the chatter of the monkey mind, and we’ll be accessing how we can best do this throughout the day.
Day 4 – Breathing into Sleep – this will be a later session (8pm), and we’ll be practicing a breathing and meditation exercise to help you sleep.
Day 5 – Breathing into Your Future Self – our future self is so happy and healthy, we’ll be breathing into how we can get our present self making the changes necessary right now.
Day 6 – Breathing into Our Energy – we’ll be breathing into what blocks us, and how we can gently move through those blocks.
Day 7 – Breathing into the Vision – what’s our vision for the future, how can we harness all of our power to get there.
What you will receive;
*Everyday we’ll have live Breathwork session on Zoom – sessions will be recorded so that you can catch up if required.
*A Facebook support group, so that we can chat and support each other
*A recipe pack and shopping list – nutrition is a big part of a healthy body, mind and soul
*Some pre-course work around journalling and mantra’s to enhance your week.
*Some pre-recorded videos on lung stretching, and all over body stretching so that you can get the full experience.
*Some pre-recorded and live workout sessions.
Sound good? Here’s the link to book.
Price Increase
I know, I’m sorry…but as a small business, I can’t get away from the fact that the prices of utilities are increasing and the only way that I can maintain my studio costs is to increase my class prices. I’m trying to keep them to the minimum.
From 13th June the prices will be as follows;
4 x Class Pass – from £35 to £38
8 x Class Pass – from £60 to £65
Unlimited Pass from £79 to £85
Pay As You Go from £9.90 to £11
If this poses a problem to you, then please get in touch and we can make some arrangement. If you still need to buy your class pass then you can buy them early this month and book your sessions in.
Exciting news!
Dawn and I are going to be hosting a ‘Charity Breathwork Session’ on Saturday 18th June, at ‘Active Life @Coxhoe’, 1-3pm. It’s going to be a fabulous event where we’ll gather, breath and raise our vibration all for a good cause (‘Henry Dancer Days’ a local childhood cancer charity’).
It’s going to be a fab, fun and uplifting afternoon all for a great cause. So if you’d like to book your space, it’s only £5 and then you can donate whatever you wish to the cause.
Here’s the link to book with all the details
Have a great week everyone!
Jill x
Podcast this week is all about hidden sugar – I think you may be as surprised and shocked as we were about this.