You only see what your eyes want to see
How can life be what you want it to be?
You’re frozen
When your heart’s not open
I’m a big fan of Madonna – I have grown up with her, and I admire how she lives her life as she wants to, and sod everyone else. She breaks down barriers for women and I love her music.
Madonna has lived through and brought forward all of the feminine archetypes – from Maiden (lLike A Virgin), to Earth Mother (Ray of Light), to The Huntress (Respect Yourself) and now ‘Queen’.
I love the psychology around the archetypes and I think that understanding how they guide us. Understanding which one is currently driving the brain train, is an important step in understanding and accepting life cycles; and how we embody them.
I’m about to start a course (yes, I know, another course 🙂 ) – all about the feminine archetypes. The first one that we’re looking at is the ‘Sacred Earth Mother’, the question that she ask is;
“Am I leading the life I want, and if not, why not?”
So, there’s a question for you to ponder on this week. I’ll write more about each archetype and the question she asks of us each week.
The Breathwork sessions have gone AMAZING since January. At the weekend we ran a gorgeous session, the feedback is always fab from these sessions. They are truly transformational.
We’ve got two sessions left before we have a break for summer;
6th July – Here’s the link to book
20th July – Here’s the link to book
And, I’m really looking forward to our Summer Solstice session this week, it’s going to be fab-u-lous!
Online Programs
I’ve got a brand new 7-Day Online Challenge starting next Monday (20th). For 7 Days we’re going to focus on Breathwork, Movement and Nutrition, to give ourselves a bit of a turbo boost. There’s still time to join us – here’s the link here.
My Holidays
It’s getting to that time of year, I’ll be away from 30th July until 8th Aug – as going away.
I’ll also be away Saturday 2nd July – so no ‘Kettlebelle Blaster’.(I can send a recording if anyone who normally comes doesn’t want to miss out).
During the Summer Hols – I’ll just be running classes as normal, but I will need at least 5 people booked on. So please make sure you’re booked in advance.
Cancellations under 24 hours will be charged.
Monday 6pm Pilates Class – from 4th July, start time will be 6.30pm.
Our podcast this week is all about ‘Circadian Rhythms’, something that is ofter overlooked but is absolutely necessary for good health. Listen here, or on Spotify, itune, Audible etc.
Have a great day everyone!
Jill x