I Finally Birthed This Course!

I Finally Birthed This Course!

Phew, after a super busy weekend hosting the Breathing Space Retreat at my studio, I can finally get my head around January and all the new things I’m planning for the studio.

Running and hosting retreats requires so much energy and attention, that it really does take me a couple of days to recover. But, it was AMAZING, so many new downloads and upgrades to my system.

Now I’ve recovered my energy I’m raring to go again.

***Core Restore – Happy, Healthy Back 6-Week Program – Starting January 2023***

The time is now right to release my Women and Back Pain Course – ‘Core Restore’. I’ve had this course brewing for two years, and it never seemed like the right time to release it. And, I’ve now realised why.

I always knew that there was something missing whenever I helped women suffering with back pain, and that was the element of breath, purpose and what makes you happy.

The drivers for women’s back pain are different to men’s back pain – they include bladder health, bowel health, nutrition, pelvic health, hormones and energy levels. All of which we’ll be looking at, but along with the physiology of back pain we’ll also be incorporating lots of breathing, calming the nervous system and delving deep into our psyche’s to find out what the pain is trying to teach us.

It will be a truly holistic program (of course) from your TMJ (Jaw) to your Toes, this is what it will entail;

Week 1:

How to warm up the whole spine, focusing on thoracic mobility and breath, guided relaxation around pain relief

Week 2:

Connecting with your coccyx and pelvic floor, bowel health and back pain strategies. Guided meditation to release stress.

Week 3:

Jaw and neck pain – what can we do? Breathwork to release muscle tension & aid sleep.

Week 4:

Hip and pelvic strength & mobility. Breathwork to release pelvic tension in the sacral chakra.

Week 5:

Focus on bone health and back pain. Breathwork to balance our bodies.

Week 6:

Putting it all together, building mobility and calming down the nervous system. Soothing Breathwork session to calm and restore.

If this sounds like something you’d like to join – then we start on Thursday 12th January, 6pm -7.30pm.

You can find all the details here.

Earlybird offer available until 30th December.

Spaces are already filling up – so don’t delay if you’d like to join.

Have a fabulous week – see you all on the mat soon.

Jill x

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